The big cosplay sale is here! Costumes orders can be combined with books, enamel pins, stickers, and other merch!
Ragyo's dress is constructed from heavy duchess satin and lined in cotton, I HIGHLY recommend sticking the straps to your skin using some sort of fashion tape (I actually used carpet tape, which is not recommended as a lot of peoples' skin does not react well to it. However it happened to work for me specifically). The inside of the straps are a bit discolored from the constant tape usage, but without tape or fishing line, the straps will likely move around on you at-con. There's a pocket in the back you may wish to use to store your battery pack. The bottom of the dress is trimmed with a basic white feather boa, which is looking its age. This sheds pretty badly and is a bit discolored, which is just going to be the nature of the beast, since it drags along the ground. Also included is a really nice, super big turkey feather boa I purchased from The Feather Place.
The foam elements are a bit of a mess construction-wise. Both the neckpiece and belt are constructed from layered pieces of foam, which then velco directly to the dress so that they can be removed for storage.
The light up wig is obviously the real showstopper here! As I said, this is old, made in a period of time when I was using tacky glue spray. This has still held up, but areas have a bit of a residue or a "crunchy" look from the type of glue used. The wig "ears" were constructed as a hollow box with eva foam on three sides and acrylic in the front, covered in a thin layer of hair, so that the LED strips housed inside can shine through when the wig is switched on. The LED wire feeds out through the back of the wig, into a connection surrounded by thermoplastic for protection, and then down into the new DC plug I mentioned. The battery is not included, as this needs to ship with special precautions. I am a big fan of 12v DC bricks like which is the specific battery we've used for many years without fail - but you can use any battery you like with a DC outlet (however I would suggest 9v or higher, since the wig is made with strips that operate best on 12v). You can also be super fancy and add a remote control with different blinking options between the wig and the battery, like .
DAMAGES: As mentioned, there is some noticeable staining on the dress, primarily on the inside of the straps due to tape residue. The bottom boa hem also has some darkening and lost feathers from dragging on the ground. This duchess satin waterstains very easily: prior to packing we have washed and lifted any stains we've seen, but there may be some faint yellowing in places if you look closely, particularly toward the bottom of the skirt in the back.
Welcome, everyone! We are Cowbutt Crunchies Cosplay, and we're so excited to finally bring you a project we've been working on for the past two years! We're long-time cosplayers who dabble in everything from ballgowns to electronics, but many people know us for our elaborate, larger than life wigwork. Tutorials and cosplay education is a huge part of who we are, and many cosplayers have asked how they too can create these sorts of wigs. We've uploaded many tutorials over the years, but finally we've been able to compile the core techniques that we use into a single book so that ambitious cosplayers can embark on their own extreme projects.
Want even more wig goodness? Check out our social media sites for more tutorials and progress, and especially our charity patreon at for additional walkthroughs and 1 on 1 help.